Welcome 2 the DAWN of LiveXStv.com

Welcome 2 the DAWN of LiveXStv.com

Welcome Home, class.

It’s been a Long Time Wait. Since 2013, actually. Or in fact: 2019.

LiveXS published its first (printed) magazine on September 17th of 1998.

… but why has it been so quiet, since 2019?

Well… we’ve survived a lot of struggles, but what eventually (almost) killed us was the digital revolution. The iPhone, Facebook, a banking crisis, our advertisers all moved to the upcoming streaming services like iTunes, Spotify and YouTube. Somewhere round 20TEN. Livemusic-lovers all went for digital. And as a matter of fact: so did LiveXS. So in 2013 we had to decide to end our tradition of publishing printed media. With one eXSeption. In 2019 we published our first annual festival magazine for the months May – September. It felt so good to be back. For a bit. Because, and please don’t remind us: only half a year later Covid hit the world. Ours stopped turning, again.

Today, another four years later, we finally managed to come up with this: YouTube.com/LiveXStv as our main publication. A tvchannel in the spirit of the former magazine. Online, for now but supported by LiveXStv.com. The brand LiveXS has never been away since 1998. Our YouTube-channel started in 2010. We have produced a collection of almost 400 video’s, published on our channel since. Fun fact: we’ve started actively producing videointerviews during Paaspop Schijndel in 2011; it’s first three-day-edition: 31 (!!) of them in one weekend. Have a watch.

Now: we invite all former subscribers, general readers, writers, photographers, band- and crewmembers of the past, present and future to follow us in this. As we ask our former sponsors and supporters: please subscribe to our YouTube-channel, so we will live to see the new DAWN: on September the 17th of 2023. Our 25th anniversary. The day we will start our journey for another 25 years.

Let’s all dream ON, about the best LIVE music that still needs to be created. Our future is near. Since we know our past.

Welcome to the New Power Generation. #NPGbenelux #LiveXStv

Or, as Prince often wrote: “May You Live 2 C the DAWN.
“Making LOVE and MUSIC’s the only things worth fighting 4”.
✌🏼💜 #Prince4EVER

(No more Silence, also use: #LiveXS25 – #CURRYenKlaas #LiveXSgoesON #LiveXStream #LiveXStv #LUST4LIVEXS #ontBIJTshow (and sharing = caring* / * – all of the above!)